Dream of the belly

Dream of stomach is what mean?Dream dream of stomach?Dream of stomach have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of belly of detailed solution.

Dream of the belly

See his belly in the dream that you will have a distinguished reputation, but you have to spend more energy to work.In other words, success and happiness doesn't happen by accident.

Dream of his stomach dry wrinkle, said you are bad friends persecution and contempt, make you and your friends.

Dream of their own intestines, expressed as danger is lurking around you.May also mean that you will be sick

Dream of belly bulge, said you have a struggle, but you can overcome the difficulties, the final results.

Dreamed of by hunger and rendered unhealthy belly, said may have infectious diseases.

Dream of blood from the stomach drips out, indicate your family accident or tragedy will happen.

Dream of said in his stomach surgery will get a lot of money for unexpected reasons.

Dream of bloated, this is a wealth of good omen.

Married women dream of bloated, predict to soonTo have children

Unmarried women dream of bloated, rich means to marry into giants.

Widow dream of bloated, indicate a catastrophe will happen.

Dream of accept stomach surgery, said the desires of the heart there will be progress.

Dream of abdominal pain, such as ground roll in bed, said money rise, there will be a windfall.

Dream of his stomach pain, means that the dreamer to success for healthy and energetic, and praised by the people.

Dreamed of his belly exposed, suggesting the dreamer in trust of someone may infidelity.

Zhouyi dream

Stomach sometimes it symbolizes a new life, or a kind of new development potential.

On the other hand, it also signifies desire to die, from the plight of the life.

Dream of stomach, may you in to understand your feeling when the mother's belly, feel that the feeling of calm and peace.This is your subconscious mind want you to focus on the root of yourself some irrational attitude or behavior.It means you are looking for, or invited by subconscious to find you the original and the real itself.

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