Dream of the neck

Dream of neck is what mean?Dream dream of neck, ok?Dream of neck with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of neck detailed solution.

Dream of the neck

Dream in the neck, usually the support of my career.

Dream of his own arm, foreshadow the dreamer will succeed in life

Long dreamed of elongation neck, or neck, said the recent good at sports, flexibility is good.

Dream of beautiful neck, says career developed, happy life.

Dream of ugly neck, hinted that it would meet with difficulties, let a person worry.

Dream of slender neck, suggested that you may have, a cunning, friend, can't rely on.

Dream of neck coarsens, indicated that more and more good luck, success, happiness, fame and fortune.

Dream of the neck is chock, out of breath, must pay attention to body health, beware of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases.May also be said to be unhappy, the economic source of tension, need to be more strong and independent.

Dream of the injured neck, predict will encounter obstacles and setbacks, career may be in debt, or a family dispute happens in life, to be careful recently.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

By the conjugate le neck, Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Neck long beauty, the auspicious luck."The duke of zhou interprets"

Ugly neck, eritrea thing over the body."The duke of zhou interprets"

Neck injury, home goods."The duke of zhou interprets"

Others neck suppression, a prime."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dream of neck and neck to support the head, is also on the human body is the most important hub, like life supported the cause, the life dream of neck symbol.

Psychoanalysis: usually dream of beautiful neck, symbolizes the life happiness;Dream of ugly neck, portends a life difficult, need to be solved.Dream of slender neck, symbolizes the cunning friend, remind the dreamer don't associate with them, as far as possible to prevent bring bad results for yourself;And dream of the injured neck, it symbolizes the liabilities and family disputes.

Dreamed of cervical neck case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Dream and shooting, (almost all the rifleman, ha ha) my neckThe quiltPlay in the past, and bleeding.

Dreams resolution: ancient times the most formidable is executed, although now have shot, neck is still in our consciousness is the life the most vulnerable part of the most vulnerable, or do you feel in reality his safety is threatened, or feelings suffer setbacks.

"Dream case 2"

Daddy always woke up in the middle of the night, you go to sleep dreaming about somebody pinched his neck, orPeople be after her, in the middle of the night will shout loudly!How can I explain.

Dreams resolution: to pay attention to your father's health, beware of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases.May also be said to be unhappy, the economic source of tension, need to be more strong and independent.

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