Dream of strip

Dream of your light body is what mean?Dream dream of your light body?Dream of your light body with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution of the dream of light body.

Dream of strip

Dream of your light body, must be able to win the lawsuit.

The newbies dreams about their work, on the job quite independent, cooperation intention is low.Emotional sensitive, can quickly find the opportunity, but also easy to produce estrangement and colleagues.

Main business people dream of light body about money, money small, small and better income, but may be because of the large household spending, or responsible for the debts of the family.

Unmarried men and women dream of your light body, love, patience is a success.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: naked in my dream actually reflects your own image.He wants to remove the cover, so their true side show in front of others.Meaning expressed by the dreaming that I am naked in the street and you're willing to see.If yes, explain what he wanted to show to others.If the dream of a naked man alone, he just want to vent their feelings.

Psychology analysis: naked symbol of innocence or purity.If your heart is magnanimous, no worry, you won't mind "naked" in public.If the dream of your naked appeared in the spirit of occasions, is a sign that you are worried about being misunderstood by others, although you feel heart is magnanimous, but you think other people might not be so sure.

Spiritual symbol: naked on behalf of the new start or regeneration, it symbolizes the people of pure in nature.

Dreamed of your light body case analysis

His dream description: a dream light crouched in the railway station and others, people around you are watching me, such as the person always don't come, I was worried and sad, want to hide to no place to hide, dodged again afraid of people to find.Who is the one who I can't remember his etc, anyhow is very important.(women, 19 years old)

Dreams resolution: the subconscious you have a strong desire to communicate with the opposite sex, even is very strong as a central figure in desire, but at the same time and in fear, afraid of other people will look down on yourself, for their produce, is reflected in the psychological activities where there are a lot of people (the station) in a way to make yourself a lot of pressure (tree) and a kind of to impose their own reason (for such an important person) center mode, and mixed with xing, embarrassment, and psychological state of complex at a loss, anxiety, tension, etc.

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