Dream of fighting

Dream of combat is what mean?Dream dream of fighting?Dream of battle with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fighting the detailed solution.

Dream of fighting

Dream of you take part in one battle, said encounter opponents, in business and law against you.

Dream of fight scene, said you're spending your money and time.The dream is a warning for women who do pay attention to your behavior, just in case make a scandal caused the criticism of others.

Young women dream of her lover was fighting, says her boyfriend is not worth making.

Dreamed you were defeated, means that you will lose your power and wealth.

Dreamed you invaders, said the courage and strong, you can overcome the barrier of others and gain wealth and fame.

Dream to see two men took the gun duel, said there will be many complicated things make you worry, you will have a small harvest, although but mentally is not necessarily happy.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed that he was involved in a fight, usually means you desire for their own independent.In addition, you may want to pass this kind of dream to express anger, frustration, and even in the heart want to hurt their subconscious emotions.Dream of combat symbol especially your inner repressed, said to someone's extreme discontent.

Psychology analysis: counter is everyone born self-protection reaction.When people in daily life is threatened, he will naturally react to it in dream.

Spiritual symbol: this kind of dream symbols of ideological struggle spirit.You should try to understand the idea, try to make the mood calm, to avoid future feelings the last outbreak.

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