Dream of voice

Dream of sound is what mean?Dream dreamed that sound good?Dream of voice with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of voice say.

Dream of voice

If the dream of the gentle and sweet voice said the contradiction with others you will happy reconciliation;If the shrill sound, the development of the cause of the said to the shadow of disappointment and negative.

Dream of cryingCry, indicate your without find out about a sudden anger and hurt a friend.

Dream of hearing the voice of god, means that you will be able to further improve their noble moral sentiment and life of selfless faith, and thus obtain other noble people admire and love.

If you are a mother, dreamed that heard the voice of their children.Say you will face life's confused and bewildered.

Dream of hear complaints or warnings that you or your close people will experience an unfortunate event.

Dream can discern voice, usually indicates the occurrence of accidents or disease, may also mean that the loss even greater disaster.

Dream of the teacher points, said it might spread distant friend's death, also may be due to the wrong information, make you trouble.

Dream of school bells, means that in real life, you very beautiful won the competition.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: voice is expression of interpersonal communication.Everyone has his own deep content, but sometimes it's hard to performance, and in the dream right to use voice to express tend to be more simple.

The voice of the psychological analysis: you or anyone else for you the sound of the two kinds of representative significance.From the spiritual point of view, this involves the talk of the mind.Your pent-up character may in dreams by the sound of the intangible.

Spiritual symbol: in this level, the voice of god represents the power of a spiritual calling.

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