Dream of anecdotes

Dream of anecdote is what mean?Dream dream of anecdotes, ok?Dream of anecdotes have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of anecdotes of the detailed solution.

Dream of anecdotes

Dream of telling anecdotes, said you like old friends very much.Not the friend of wisdom, but your love can't last, just like your own life.

youngA womanDream of heard anecdotes, said she would become a member of the recreation seekers who cheerfully.

Dreamed that he and anecdotes of the legend, cheerful happy means pregnant prefer to make some new friends, don't like to make a wise friends.Your career and your own, is not stable.

Dream of strange people, means you will make real friends, recently there will be a little trouble, need you calmly.

Dreamed that he join the strange group, and symbol of happiness in your marriage, but also a celebrity.

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