Dream of knocking at the door

What is the meaning of dream of knocking at the door?Dream dream of knocking at the door?Dream of knocking at the door with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of knocking at the door of the detailed solution.

Dream of knocking at the door

Dreamed that someone knocking at the door, usually symbol has money, or will have the opportunity to the door, be careful to grasp.

If the dream of someone rang the bell, the indicated that you will receive a distant friend's message.

Friends dreamed that he knocked at the door, remind you be careful, lest be hasty, irresponsible behave friends in trouble.

Dream of the blind man knocking at the door, which indicated get windfall.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Knock, bad luck."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of the case analysis of knocking at the door

The dream description: I dreamed I was watching TV in the financial report shows, the show attracted me.At this moment, I heard a knock at the door in the corridor, knock several times, didn't also heard that the owner of the house, the externalized selves loosed I think, is likely to be the owner not at home.(male, 29 years old)

Knocking at the door the voice of dreams resolution: a dream, indicate your finances is very good.If dreaming that I am knocking at the door, is to remind you be careful when dating, watch the nonsense irresponsible friends, lest be deceived.If the dream of heard a knock at the door, or see someone knocking at the door, is a good dream, which indicated in the years to come many fortunes find their way to you.

If dreaming that ring the bell, indicated that the business is thriving.

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