Dream of Orion

What is the meaning of dream of Orion?Dream dream of Orion?Dream of Orion have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of scratching his head a detailed solution.

Dream of Orion

Dreamed you scratching his head that you will see a stranger deceptive trick, for their flattery feel very antipathetic.

The head is the focus of thought, represents the human intelligence, emotion and life.In dreams, scratch broken head symbol with worry and sad.

Dream of scratch broken head, on behalf of your love no progress, because you there are differences between the two values, so you also hesitated, now you still think about, whether you two suits, barely together will only pain.

Dreaming that I head itch, I scratched his head, indicated that the dreamer will was troubled with painful.

Dreamed that he was of the opposite sex scratch broken head, indicate the dreamer of love will not progress, but also because the concept of problem and let the two sides is very painful.

A womanDreamed that he was about, people catch hair said means death or leave her husband by misfortune.

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