Dream of the fuzzy

Dream of fuzzy mean?Dream dream of fuzzy, ok?Dream of fuzzy have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fuzzy detailed solution.

Dream of the fuzzy

Dream to see a blur, signal is not loyal friend, not reliable.

See there's a stranger in your dream, his image is blurred, and stood beside him, you said you would suffer to many open mill, many of the people who love talking will chatter about you and make you miserable.

Dreamed of fuzzy images with some beautiful women in a faint, means that you will love a lady, but felt identity is not appropriate, other conditions is not good, so only unrequited love, dare not to take any action to show you love.

The image of the dream of fuzzy, but will not be transformed into other images, means someone who is stubborn unreasonable can hinder you deal with the thing, and make you anxious.

Dream of the fuzzy analysis of the case

Dream description: dreaming that I can't open your eyes and dream of a cheque, opened his eyes, to make all her strength to very easily see to see a little bit, also very vague.Why am I always dream about their eyes to see not clear thing, this kind of phenomenon also repeatedly appeared in my dream?Solution to the professionals.

Dreams resolution: dream of see not clear thing, the dream is more health problems.

Originally is the with my eyes closed, but also especially dream, may be the eye disease, usually is shortsighted people do this dream, or whether you because too tired, work, study, or entertainment with the eye excessive, cause the eyes very tired, the need to pay attention, the best look at ordinary times there are no other symptoms, so went to see it.Don't look down upon the dream.

Excessively with eyes, I am a bit, although know damage eyesight, dream of irrigation, but is can't control, so every night dreamed that he could not see anything, and even become color-blind, see is red and green, basically be awakened.

If I didn't use eye during the day, sleep early, like how to do this dream, perhaps you are the same, should rest your eyes?Go for a walk, see the green plants, or look, look at the sky.If used, should be an hour later, just rest a while eyes, let your eyes thoroughly relax.

Psychological explanation: the dream of eyesight whiting, eyes to see not clear thing, because our eyes but heart ah, shows you some of the recent thing, can't see the internal essence of things, often can see now are also some surface phenomenon, not only because of some surface phenomenon and blinded by his own heart, to discover.

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