Dream a dream

Dream dream dream

Dream a dream, is a normal phenomenon, people have done research, individuals can dream a dream, there are 7 layer is up 7 times before back to reality.

Dream a dream is a common phenomenon, almost everyone has experienced, but mostly forgotten.

This dream depends on the specific situation to solve.But one thing is that it is the quality of your sleep is not high, need to improve the quality of sleep.

Dream, the dream is difficult to solution, because it belongs to the structure is more complex.From a psychological point of view, to now have no a fixed interpretive mode will work.Have a lot of dream interpretation that "sleeping" in a dream, reflecting the physical fatigue, and went to sleep and dream again, in my dream has refreshed information quickly.Also have psychologists believe that dreams are the dreamer inner desire for change and the need to integrate, may be caused some real things don't want to face.Himself in the dream in the dream wakes up, says life is facing change, psychological state needs to be restarted and thinking.

Look from parapsychics, represents a dream dreams of soul into another space, the purpose is to want to take advantage of the dream you see things to find the answer in real life.

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