Dream of landing

Dream of landing is what mean?Dream dream of landing?Dream of landing a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of landing the detailed solution.

Dream of landing

Dream of fell down from the mount, is the writing on the wall.

Dreamed that fell off the roof and will be deported.

Dream of fell from his horse, going toThe war

Dreamed of when I fell from the elephant's back means poverty or humiliated.

Dream of fall into the ditch, business losses.

Old people dreamt that fell to the ground from the bed, death will die.

A womanFalls, dream of their own children, the children to be seriously ill.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: you since the day, in a dream, you must be based on facts and carefully deal with unfamiliar environment.To you, because of the complicated fall on where it is not yet known, therefore, you have been hurt.

Psychoanalysis: if you forget your investigate belong to whom, from where, in other words, if you lose to your drive, then dream of the original psychological landing is the most typical.

Spiritual symbol: dream of landing shows your psychological fear.

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