The nightmare

Dream of a nightmare

Dream of nightmare feeling touch thee, arguments and the failure of the business.

For youngA woman, disappointment and shouldn't have despised, the dream also remind the dreamer pay attention to diet and health.

Nightmares, be cheated.Patients have nightmares, sudden deterioration.Bad dream is auspicious, young men and women will be more love, to her husbandpregnancy

Dream of suicide, warning in good health.Women dream of suicide, husband will be rich.Dream of others in the suicide, will be worried.Dream of the wifeSuicide, family happiness.A womanDream of the husbandWill commit suicide, and her husband separated for a long time.Dream of friend committed suicide, hard times will get the help of friends.Dream of an enemy suicide, enemy forces in growth.The police dream of others to commit suicide, for failing to perform their duties, will be punished.Traders dream of suicide, will benefit.The patient dreamed of suicide, the body quickly restored to health.

Dreamed that someone is upon his neck, you will be successful.Women dreamed someone his neck, her husband will pamper yourself more.Dream of hand chock someone's neck, is writing on the wall, will be bad luck.Dream of someone's wife's neck, get a friend's help when necessary.Dream of killing the enemy, disaster will come.Businessman dream of anyone in the bridle his neck and business can make a lot of money.

Dream of sobbing, everything goes on well with everything.Women dream of tears, will be more considerate, to her husband and children.Patients dream of intelligent, will get well soon.Prisoners dream tears like tide, relatives will meet with him.Great dream of others cry, want to happen, dream of friends and relatives cry day wipe, home have a man to the bucket.Dream of the enemy tears in skirt, will be in trouble.

Dream of the death of his father, and talking to him, means that you are a pen will do the business at a loss, be careful what you contact person.Do be careful their reputation in this field.Mother died, tell you not to be led astray friends, or the bad habit.Dream die like living in the voice, and have a good life, means bad effect will come into your life circle, if the lack of perseverance, you will have a specific loss.Talk to the dead relatives of the dream, the relatives will you give him a promise, the dream is warning if you resist, don't listen to others' advice, sad things are coming.

Dreamed that the ghost of his father, said you in danger.Dreamed that the ghost of a friend, say your partner unpleasant, a lot of anger to you on the long journey.Dream ghost talking to you, say you want to control.

Dream heckBlame is the omen.Dreamed that launched an attack, the ghost is a good omen.Dreamed that he saw ghost I messescape, is a good dream, the enemy will be conquer yourself.

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