Dream of hush

Dream of hush is what mean?Dream dream of hush, ok?Dream of hush reality and the influence of the reaction and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of hush the detailed solution.

Dream of hush

Man dreamed that he dreamed of hush is gambling plug, was attacked by bandits, but also seriously injured.

A womanDream of mouth blocked, would be raped.

Dream of blocking someone else's mouth, is auspicious, can conquer the enemy.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: mouth is blocked, can't cry, it means a bitter could not say.

Stuck, psychological analysis: the dream of the mouth is inauspicious.A man dreamed that his mouth was blocked, will be subject to attack, and seriously injured.Women dream of nozzle is blocked, the infringement by the opposite sex.Best don't one night out of town.However, if the dream of block others' mouth, let the enemy have bitterness could not say, is the will to conquer the enemy.

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