Dream of degeneration

Dream of degeneration is what mean?Dream dream of degeneration?Dream of degeneration with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of degeneration of the detailed solution.

Dream of degeneration

If the dream of gender changed, by themselves or others men intoA woman, or by the woman became a man, like a dream, it means your subconscious mind may be modified in the desire, or remind ourselves that certain aspects of the need to strengthen the temperament, it is good for you.

Clerk dream of degeneration, means you make little affectations, behind being discovered, the office of the people despise you this kind of curry favor with the boss's behavior.

Dreamed that denaturation, remind you want to progress in a way, you must pay the hard work, in this way can you succeed.

Dream of degeneration by others know, suggested your family because of not to notice at ordinary times a few small problems, and plunged into a crisis, difficult to get out.

Dream of degeneration of case analysis

Description: dream boyfriend break up with me last month, to the other place to work, no contact with me.I am very sad, yesterday evening the dream of all the way to find him, he was trying to avoid me let me be completely, should just do surgery, turned into a beautiful woman.The thought with what excuse me?

Dream parsing: you this dream is the dream!His heart to you also have some guilt, but how about guilt?Boyfriend changed sex and you are consubstantiality, combined to enable there would be no possible.The good man also many, find another!

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