Dreamed of his girlfriend cheating

Dream description: recently always dreamed that my girlfriend cheated, once in the life I really was mad, but then I also forgave her, but always in my dream I was so angry to death, sometimes also will dream of that man, sometimes wake up, but I was so angry heart leap to the big jump, look at the sleeping beside the know is a dream but also she is very angry, total want to sit down for a while to smoke only slowly can good, still have a few times in the dream I'll beat her anger was not, the result is 3.4 times beat is sweet sleep of her crying, is really let a person in distress situation hasn't broken her eyes wept also don't know what's the matter, I'm so upset, every time we do such a dream after all the pain, when I once dreamed of her infidelity results a foot may be dipped in open feet on the window is broken or punched on the seat next to, if I was going to schizophrenia, what method can solve the problem, or I should go to see the psychological doctor, ask friends to help me.I really can't do any resistance, almost crazy.

Duke of zhou interprets: your these actions prove two things: 1, you love your girlfriend very much, even if she betrayed you, you still love her, too.2, your this kind of behavior can't let go of your girlfriend, even if you forgive her, but psychological also can't accept it.This creates you often dreamed she rebelled against you, but your psychology should not tell these things to your girlfriend!Otherwise wouldn't be up in the middle of the smoke.Also can not get out.You don't have a mental illness, but I suggest that your girlfriend or sit down and talk about the good, the premise is not to begin!Tell her your idea, continue like this, you have no disease can suppress their disease.If you talk to her before still can't calm mood drinking song, then go to KTV or to run, to vent all the in the mind the unhappy and this is for security reasons, your girlfriend, after all, you have to hit her criminal record......

Dream of cheating _ duke of zhou interprets his girlfriend

Dreamed of his girlfriend cheated related terms

Dreamed that his girlfriend cheated that you will be able to defeat difficulties in the future, will also get a good harvest, is a good omen.

Singles dream of his girlfriend's infidelity, indicate the latest love affair don't have too big fluctuations, can set his mind at to enjoy each other's love, treat financial is more sensitive, on the other hand, might as well be generous, don't haggle over every ounce with each other.

Businessman dreamed that his girlfriend's infidelity, indicated that the finances will continue to go up, can get the opportunity to profit with the help of others, social aspects of the spending will increase, but also can deal with the past, investment should also avoid follow suit, to have the opportunity to get a fundraising opportunity, is a good one million head.

Derailed divorce widowed dreamed of his girlfriend, bespeak will soon be out of town, on the way will quickly new and happy, is auspicious.

Derailed in old people dreamed of his girlfriend, foreshadow the luck is good, but does not spread slowly, so don't just wander in happy place, cause bad luck or labor, also be careful small secretly things are.

To find workers derailed dreamed of his girlfriend, and indicate the job energy will lower, the other party fails to give you a reply on time, is also likely to encounter these recruiters, there is the mind.

Dream of cheating his girlfriend, but also inTo make love, maybe you should first review, may be you love too selfish, too narrow, don't want a wife and friends contact, suggest that you should adjust their own state of mind, want to use common mentality to treat, give each other more trust and space, don't let yourself too stressed.

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The duke of zhou interprets of query