Dream of the bank

What is the meaning of dream of bank?Dream dream of bank?Dream of Banks have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bank detail solution.

Dream of the bank

Dream of empty bank, predict to money losses.

Dreaming that I am to save money or take money that to increase the income, or a desire to love, will have good luck.

Dreamed that works in a bank, suggesting that may have caused the recent economic embarrassment, attention should be paid to save money, avoid the economic crisis.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the dreamer's financial temperament and spirit resources hopes to get the exact value.Head of security sense and judgment should really concern and paraphrase, not have this kind of judgment is unable to enter the world.

Psychology analysis: people's feelings resources, such as confidence, social skills and wisdom, are stored, custody.Dreamed that Banks may be afraid of negative external working conditions.

Spiritual symbol: bank suggested that the security of spiritual space.

Dream of case analysis of the bank

Description: dream the dream I walked into the bank, just started to have less, after a while, more and more people in the bank.After I fill in the list, the staff told me to lose ten passwords.Oh, so many passwords, who can remember ah.(male, 34)

Dream dream parsing: bank, represents the life and career.Dream of Banks are bright, which indicated your business flourish.Dream of courty bank, you will encounter the temporary difficulties.Dreaming that I am saving money in the bank, means your life happiness.Dreaming that I withdraw money in the bank, is to remind you when things don't profligacy.

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