Dream of the bathroom

Dream of toilet is what mean?Dream dream of toilet, ok?Dream of toilet have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of toilet.

Dream of the bathroom

A womanDream of shit in toilet solution, will be affected by the stigma and discrimination.

A man dreamed that shit in the toilet, want to get sick.

Dreamt of in your own toilet pee, all difficulties will pass away.

Patient dreamed in their own toilet pee, the body will recover.

Women in their own toilet pee, will be a good housewife.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: for many, the bathroom is dirty and lack of positive symbol.In addition, the toilet is related to sex.The dream may reflect your toilet the need for secrecy and freedom in their own space to vent the feelings of desire.

Psychology analysis: a broken toilet said you emotionally.Entered a strange toilet, said you can't find a way out of the situation.Cleaning a dirty toilet, said you give up your behavior at home.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream toilet symbol to get rid of and the means to remove all the negative factors.

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