Dream of the police station

Dream of the police station is what mean?Dream dream of the police station?Dreamt that the police have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that the police a detailed solution.

Dream of the police station

Dream of the police station, puts forward some warning to you, something might happen recently, especially on the words and deeds to be careful, don't be as easy to upset people, otherwise very easy to be misunderstood and lawsuits, please pay more attention to.

Dreamed of by the police chase, suggests some ideas and impulse was against the superego, don't be rigid or prompt dreamer;

Traders dream of talking to the police, means that competitors will attack yourself, need to be wary of prompt dreamer;

Ordinary people dream of arguing with the police, means that the dream will be threatened by rivals.

Dreamed that he became a policeman, will remind the dreamer of prestige;

Dreamed that he was wearing a police uniform, means that they will be subject to criminal cases.

Dream of the police station

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