Dream of the roof

Dream of the roof is what mean?Dream dream of the roof?Dream of roof with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of the roof of the detailed solution.

Dream of the roof

Dreamer if in a dream focus on the roof of a house, said he understood that can provide protection.If the roof is not tight, said the dreamer is willing to accept the emotional attack.The dreamer if standing on the roof, means he is very strong, has the ability to give up protection.

On the roof in protecting human security and other basic living requirements is essential., of course, on the other hand, the roof and plagued the people, make them difficult to invited on while the wind, watching the stars.

From theA womanProtection point of view, the roof is regarded as the fire goddess.

Zhouyi dream

Dream of the roof: love there will be a rising trend.But not too complacent, so can appear too frivolous, is likely to be annoying, so enough is enough.

Women dream of the roof to be out of town, obstacles, best not to go.

Entrepreneurs dream of main roof money: money and friends or groups.The opportunity to take part in the group shopping, or share the cost with others.But it is also possible that a dispute.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if in a dream attention on the roof of a house, said do you understand what can provide protection.If the roof is not tight, said you are willing to accept the emotional attack.If standing on the roof, means you are strong, have the ability to give up protection.

Psychoanalysis: roof on protecting human security and other basic living requirements is essential., of course, on the other hand, the roof and plagued the people, make them difficult to invited on while the wind, watching the stars.

Spiritual symbol: from the perspective of the protection of women roof is regarded as the fire goddess.

Dream of the roof

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