Dream of a department store

What is meant by the dream of a department store?Dream dream of a department store?Dream of department stores have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a department store the detailed solution.

Dream of a department store

Because the department store has a wide variety of goods, suggest you are not single-minded, to meet different types of male/female.

Dream of in a department store to buy the buy that, although small, there may be a little happy things.For example, long time no dream of friends of the letter;Or father and temporarily give you an allowance, etc.

Dream of the case analysis of a department store

The dream description: my biggest hobby is going to department stores, though not to buy something, but you can look.In my dream, I was going to a special large department stores, shopping goods full of beautiful things in eyes, everything, let a person look at line.(female, 29 years old)

Resolution: dream dream department store, means desire and consolation, is people desire psychological performance.Dreamed of department store goods full of beautiful things in eyes, to find, show your requirements and desire is quite high.Dream of select items in a department store, one is the symbol of satisfy the desire to buy, second is the symbol of emotional comfort.

As the dream of jewelry store, is a symbol of achievement and accessories.

Dream of clothing store, represents the emotion and costumes.

Dream of watch shop, is a symbol of love and career.

Dream of flower shop, is representative of the emotion and life.

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