Dream of banquets

Dream of fete is what mean?Dream dream of dinner, ok?Dream of banquets with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of for a detailed solution.

Dream of banquets

Dream of treating others, catastrophe will happen, but dream one dream of attendees to hold a party, is the auspicious good luck.

Dream of the banquet for cooking and eat all over the place, will happen quarrel at home.

A womanDream of banquets, are going to get married.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: treating primary financial ruin.

Psychoanalysis: dream of treating others, is inauspicious, will die, but the dream of attending the banquet held in others, is the auspicious good luck.Dream of cookers and dinner to eat all over the place, is inauspicious, home will be.Women dream of banquets, are going to get married.If the dream of himself in the large banquet guests, please people eat dinner, is a sense of foreboding, on behalf of the "broken", means possible destruction or wealth.Spread wealth dating is a good thing, but not promiscuous.

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