Dream of playing a game

What is the meaning of dream of playing games?Dream dream of playing a game?Dream of playing games with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dream of playing the game of the detailed solution.

Dream of playing a game

Dream of you play games with others, or with a group ofThe childIn play, such as play hide-and-seek, said although your relationship is good, but still enough, you have been aware of the face should be more widely, so also will try to improve.

Dream of you and others in play hide and seek, said you are going to do something is not worth it, these things will make you money loss, in addition, you will also humiliation, by public humiliation.

Dream of shooting and killing or other games, indicate very lucky in my work, but very selfish subjectively.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: you participated in the game in a dream, the game may be symbol of your life.If in the dream you are a game player or a successful players, said you have created good living conditions.If you play badly, then you have to reconsider his ability, to find out it can improve grades, better qualified for the work area.In addition, the dream of playing games and may imply that you are not serious about life, you might think that playing games and just competition in the future of "ShengJin nature".

Psychology analysis: some games, such as football, basketball, handball, and volleyball, is integrated into a "race" or a group of people to the important way.Because these team sports are "figurative" fighting, so they can become aggressive health valve.They clearly shows you what kind of way to obtain the position in group, and your performance in the group.Queen chess and checkers to think this kind of request strategies and board games, make you form such a concept, namely in the situation, you should be how to forecast the situation development.Dream about the game could be a hint for you, suggest you also more risky.

Spiritual symbol: on the spiritual level, the dream of playing games and represents the relative power between two battles in the form.

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