Dream of corporal punishment

Dream of corporal punishment is what mean?Dream dream of corporal punishment, ok?Dream of corporal punishment has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of corporal punishment in the detailed solution.

Dream of corporal punishment

It is wrong to corporal punishment, of course, but the meaning of the dream is hard after the excellent result.

Dream of corporal punishment, may be the recent poor performance, you was afraid of.

Dream of teachers corporal punishment and show that your grades have fallen nearly a period.As long as you work hard, your grades will soon catch up with, and was praised by the teacher.

Dream of parents corporal punishment and show that you are strict with myself, the dream means you will get excellent results in academic.

Dream of corporal punishmentThe child, said there will be progress on their children in school, although also can not reach your standard, but as long as much encouragement, can better in the future.

Dream of corporal punishment by the teacher, said you recently have a subject is not ideal, but because you are very serious efforts, soon after the achievement can progress, the teacher will regard sb with special respect or new views to you.

Parents dream of corporal punishment children, said in the aspect of discipline children helpless, but I still can raise them become useful.

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