Dream of kneading

Dream of kneading is what mean?Dream dream of kneading, ok?Dream of kneading with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of kneading the detailed solution.

Dream of kneading

Dream of kneading and the opposite sex, suggesting that want to win the good opinion of someone in your heart, or get rid of the entanglement of some you don't like.

Dreamed that he was kneading, usually indicate that you may have some personality weakness, remind you to be strong, to avoid being pushed around.

Dreaming that I am in kneading, others said you hope to be able to establish close relationship with each other, and communication for a long time.

Dreaming that I enjoy massage, others is to remind you to trusted friends, your suspicion is not according to.

Dreaming that I give others massage that you will get a good message.

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