Dream to buy a gun

What's the meaning of dream to buy gun?Dream dream to buy a gun?Dream for gun with reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution of the dream to buy a gun.

Dream to buy a gun

Dream of buying handguns, suggest you can ShengGuanJinJue.

Dream of selling handguns, remind you may lose some money.

Dream of pistol trading business, means that you will is valued by the state leaders, obtains the title of honor.

Dream wanted to remind to consider more before you do things, all things considered to make a decision, inevitably will not be any.

Dreamed that he killed the man with a gun, will remind you were condemned by the public opinion, is likely to fail, you should have their own faith.

Dream of gunfire, to remind you, where has mishandled needs to reorganize.

Women dream of gunfire, remind you must be pay attention to communication with people, don't happen with people, or reputation will have a loss.

Dream of with gun, to remind you to pay more attention to all things, to prevent theft.

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