Dream of college

What is the meaning of dream college?Dream dream college?Dreamed that take an examination of university has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize college dream of detailed solution.

Dream of college

Dreaming that I am to get into college, that means you subconscious about their situation is not satisfactory.

Job seekers dreams of college may be looking for a job, feel mental pressure is big, so to do such a dream, suggest that charging learning.

Love, love is a dream of college on communication problems, silent don't even willing to ignore the other party is possible.Compared with communication, more willing to taste their own emotional experience alone.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you dream yourself in the campus, symbol of your potential and learning ability.Even if you don't work in the academic, but you still believe that you have the ability to communicate with people of similar views.

Psychoanalysis: university's mission is to carry on the higher education, dreams make what you know you can get extensive experience and knowledge.You must be from the shallow level to the deep cognition and consciousness of the field.

Spiritual symbol: cognitive and correct use of the cognitive ability can only get in the "university of life".

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