Dream of open the window

What is the meaning of dream of opening the window?Dream dream of opening the window?Dream of open the window a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of open the window a detailed solution.

Dream of open the window

Open the window of the dream, shows that you are actively trying to expand their horizons.Open the window of the dream, represents the vision and the development of my career.If the dream of open the window, it shows that you are a cheerful person.In your heart, hope to be able to better communicate with the outside world.This dream indicates that your vision will get further development, your career will get more success.

Dream of a window, worry is gone, his desire can realize the dream.

Dream of opening the window, the symbol will accept new ideas, new information.

A womanDream of open the window, may also say subconscious desire for sexual impulses.

If open the window to see attractive stars, said idealistic vision of love is, also don't have the guts to experience in sex.

But if open the window a look, there are tall buildings cover in front of the line of sight, it had ninety percent sure of success, due to sudden, obstacles in the plan ended in failure, if will take part in the entranceThe testOr company to apply for this dream, then the drop-off in minor points.

Dreaming that I open the window, the adversary can beat yourself.

Dream of a window, worry is gone, his desire can realize the dream.But if open the window a look, there are tall buildings cover in front of the line of sight, it had ninety percent sure of success, due to sudden, obstacles in the plan ended in failure, if will take part in the entrance examination or company to apply for this dream, then the drop-off in minor points.

Dreaming that I open the window, suggesting that the dreamer or competitors will beat yourself, make oneself mood very happy.

Women make the dream of open the window, meaning that the liberation of sexual impulses.

Women dream of opened the window to see the stars of the night, said are interested in men, but also don't want to experience sexual pleasure, is just the illusion of a virgin.

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