Dream of weighing

Dream of weighing what meaning be?Dream dream of weighing, ok?Dream of weighing a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of weighing the detailed solution.

Dream of weighing

Weight in dreams often represent a kind of important degree, and the weight is a kind of measure the value of some things for his behavior.

Dreamed that he said weight, said he will get a chance to display his talents.

Dream of food weighing, says he is going through a time of need.

Dreaming that I am to everyday items weighing, says he will be very happy.

Dream of weighing, suggest you are facing a period of prosperity, and if you are determined, will certainly to successfully gain satisfactory results.

Dream of weigh to others, you can let them completely obey your interests.

Young women dream of weigh with her lover.Indicated that her lover will unconditionally meet her wishes and requirements.

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