Dream of struggle

Dream of struggle is what mean?Dream dream of struggle?Dream of struggle with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fighting the detailed solution.

Dream of struggle

Dreaming that I am in the struggle.Said you know each other's family, but still want to meet each other's way of life, want to please each other, this will probably make you a successful career reputation suffered.Is this dream in the struggle for their own behavior according to.

Young women dream of soldiers who have been in combat, predicted she would choose one in the middle of the two lovers, both love her very much, even willing to die for her.

Combat dream, represents the success and difficulty.

The dream, is your heart is full of competitive performance.

If the dream of combat won, show your current transaction will be successful.

If the dream of combat lost, suggests that you may encounter difficulties and problems.

Dreamed of fighting case analysis (from)

The dream description: in the dream, I with a head like a dinosaur or monsters fight chameleon.I feel tired and nervous, afraid, but there is no way out, can't get rid of it, and it only play.Later, the two young men next to me, they not only don't help me, but beside call: "you beat it, quick to surrender!(male, 27 years old)

Dreams resolution: see strange beast in the fairy tale dream monster or prehistoric dinosaur, whether adults orThe child, often can cause fear and panic, this fear often involves your fear of survival.You fight with the dinosaur in the dream, reflecting the reality you encountered some trouble, related to body or rights.Dream other people don't help you, illustrates the questions of your own to solve.

Dream of struggle

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