Dream of a funeral

Dream of a funeral is what mean?Dream dream of a funeral?Dream of a funeral have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a funeral the detailed solution.

Dream of a funeral

And dream of a funeral, is illnessGo to jailOne million head.

Dream to attend the funeral of a loved one, or other means to attend weddings festival activities.

Dream heard crying, have a good message.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the dream of a funeral, means you have to clarify my feelings about death, there is not necessarily involved your own death, may also be other people.Dreams make you alert, it is necessary for some thing or for a friend.Moreover, only this time of sorrow can be prompted you to plan for the future.If the dream of their own funeral, may said the cause of the sympathy of desire, or suggested that a particular part of your personality already paralysis and even death.

Psychology analysis: if the dream of parents' funeral symbol taken the first step to independence, or to say goodbye to the past have made the difficult.Maybe you should give up his childhood and childhood experiences, through time to celebrate and the ceremony then emphasize this behavior.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, a funeral means a kind of transitional etiquette.

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