Dream of digging a grave

What is the meaning of dream of digging a grave?Dream dream of digging a grave?Dream of dug grave with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of digging a grave detailed solution.

Dream of digging a grave

Dream of digging a grave, symbolizes the frustrated, disappointed, the death of the personality.

Dream about digging a grave, presage a dreamer can live longer with a silver spoon in her mouth.Dreams also have different explanation.

Dream was dug grave, suddenly dug out a person's skull, will roll presage a dreamer.

Have a dream man reading, portendThe testCan get the first prize.

Dream dug up the gold and silver jewelry, indicate the dreamer can inherit the ancestors of the estate, carry forward the family business.

Dig out of the dreamThe coffin, presage a dreamer in the near future will pay the money, have a windfall gains.

Dream to dig out the clothes, portends a dreamer can get great riches and honor in the future.

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