Dream of the bodhisattva

Dream of the bodhisattva is what mean?Dream dream of the bodhisattva, ok?Dream of the bodhisattva have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream of the bodhisattva.

Dream of the bodhisattva

Dream of bodhisattva smiled, have double meanings, may said in frustration, you will be sick or have loved ones, need to get the help of others, on the other hand, may also said love happiness, joy of life.

Fire sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smiled, means is in the midst of setbacks.

Earth sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smiled, means that family members may be sick.They are in trouble.

Sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smile wind, means love life full of joy.

Water sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smiled, mean see his strength is very weak, need the help of others.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of Buddha bodhisattva, main geely in all things.The broken dream secretary

Dream of the buddhas the bodhisattva, the auspicious in all things."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Bodhisattvas, big geely."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of bodhisattva, the long life."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: in the dream, the bodhisattva said to deny or loss of the self, said it is necessary to transform itself from you idea and pursuit.

Psychoanalysis: if you dreamed that he became a Christian, as europeans say it is necessary to distinguish the differences between eastern and western religions.

Spirit: from the perspective of spiritual learning, bodhisattva mean mental clarity and purity.

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