Dream of spirit beast

Dream of spirit beast is what mean?Dream dream of spirit beast?Dreamt that a spirit beast reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of spirit beast detailed solution.

Dream of spirit beast

Q:, a head of golden rhino to send me to walk on the road I see both sides of the road were hanging rhinoceroses, kylin, dragon and spirit beast, so I want to save them, but somehow make a detour to the river, the side of the road and met a brown bear, the in the mind a little scared, but still trying toescapeAnd one thousand it save me how can I fight, but the bear didn't save me, only slowly with me.Then I back to the main road through the catcher beside the path, seemed to save the rhino, then wouldn't remember it.I also dream of standing before the white bear, teeth bared, want to save people can't jump.I 27 years old, male, graduate student just graduated, unmarried have a girlfriend

Solution: there is a word called "heart", and you can say: the rhino, dragon, unicorn "spirit beast", etc.In this, including before, can be found.The bear is your enemy, spirit beast is your friend.Bear general representative clumsy and have power.With the characteristics of the spirit beast, is in a "spirit".The clumsy and bear represent the opposite.At the same time, they also at a disadvantage in position, tied to a tree.

These two aspects, may also refers to two aspects of your personality.May also be refers to the people.

Character: may be you good and relatively weak ideal was boring but must face the reality of the blow.

Refers to man's word: it could be some knowledge in life is not very rich but very iron man won't let you close to your favorite intelligent and gentle.For example: love by father, mother against, etc.

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