Dream of the altar

Dream of what is meant by the altar?Dream dream of the altar?Dream of altar with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the altar of the detailed solution.

Dream of the altar

Dream of sacrifice, ceremony, or French, dojo, suggest you will good luck, good luck, money, a promising career.

But if a man dreaming that I am in the altar rituals or ceremonies, but there was no god, there are may have quarrels and his wife, friends, finally contradiction, both; difficult to pick up.

Dream to see rain altar, or pray for a good harvest this ceremony, may suggest that the dreamer want spiritual rebirth, get rid of bad memories;Or in the unconscious hope oneself can or partnerpregnancyHaving a child.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see the altar, means that urgently need to get rid of the more important than side of the situation.Generally speaking, the alter means that religious belief.It is a table, is used to deduce the Eucharist, or belong to each other.This symbol is often used to indicate a separation in the field of material and spirit.

Psychology analysis: from a psychological point of view, alter means voluntary or was forced to sacrifice for you.For offering or week activities must be held publicly, only in this way can get admitted (dream) sacrifice.

Spiritual symbol: thank you for a worship of the gods.

Dream of the altar

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