Dream of wings

What is the meaning of dream of wings?Dream dream of wings?Dream of wings have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of wings of the detailed solution.

Dream of wings

Dream of you with wings, leaving you indicated that you are very caring in strange land on family life long journey.

Dreamed you with wings but cannot fly, indicate your ambitions will finally ended the east, and worthless.

Dream of poultry or the wings of birds, you will finally win the misfortune, to overcome the difficulties, harvest results.

Dream of bird or a plane, a broken wing, goals may remind you now too high beyond your actual ability.

Dream of wings to fly, suggest you in the near future will successfully achieve their ideal.

Zhouyi dream

The symbol of transcendence.A long wings of animals or people is part of your mental, it will make you into a higher and more spirit, or more detached state, or from an oppressive situation.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream to draw two wings,, the dream is not bad."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream, a rib or wings, ji.The teachers of the law pass civil examinations, warriors have to help,A pregnant womanXian, disease is the farthest."Lin xuan solution

The dream gave birth to a wing, wing.Without Mr Ji, or left or right, people help themselves, and the dream one will lose a man, also not auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream wings and flying is closely linked.Dream to see the wings of a bird said you strong desire to seek freedom.A broken wing said dreamers experience trauma, not "bottom-up" to "off".

Psychoanalysis: protective wings, so in a dream also have similar meanings.Angel wings, like the wings of the birds of prey, show you overcome all difficulties.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, the dream see wings means god shield and through the aspirations of all.

Dream of wings

The duke of zhou interprets of query