Bronze mirror put what said

Bronze mirror put what said

Bronze mirror is one of the most important props of feng shui, reasonable put help luck, all over the place.Bronze mirror can dissolve the evil spirit days, the contractors outside wear heart, road salt, sharp corners, convex mirror effect is stronger.But be careful not to against the head of a bed, do not put in the sofa, after both sides don't bronze mirror, causing turbulence.

Bronze mirror besides used in cosmetics are "clothes", can also be used to improve indoor narrow or dark space, absorb the outdoor "angry".

The ancients think bronze mirror can "evil", mainly because of bronze mirror has the effect of the reflected light.Can be to reflect the so-called bad "ShaQi".In the modern residential, indoor bronze mirror is unfavorable to the buildings have pointed, the direction of the corner, at least not comfortable on the vision.Of course, such as outdoor scenery charming, might as well use bronze mirror to its "inhalation" interior.

In the field of feng shui, "mirror" is the "energy field", the bronze mirror has the function of the "energy" double in the feng shui, can build a spacious feeling, also can reflect more light.At the right place right on the bronze mirror, can promote a part of your chart in virtually, make you more smoothly.

Bronze mirror can be set on both sides of the table, it can make the food more delicious, a symbol of abundance in the home.At the checkout and goods storage tank stores put bronze mirror surface, can be reflected more wealth and commodities, let the business is thriving, the promotion goods

But note that if the reflective items in company or files with books on the desk, not only won't make career achievements progresses day by day, symbol instead have done the work and homework, only, and cannot drive finances.Nor relative hang buy to let two bronze mirror, of course, so will only make the light reflection to the bronze mirror opposite to each other, gathered of the house energy to reconcile, and there is no help.Also, must make the bronze mirror placed in can reflect the image in and pleasing to the eye, to increase the room a good energy to help.

Geomantic learn that the bronze mirror of indoor "appropriate dark unfavorable Ming", appropriate is hidden according to indoor, avoid sunlight or light shines, in order to avoid the light radiation is too strong, people's health.

In addition, the bronze mirror and medical value.Great medical scientist in Ming dynasty li shizhen in compendium of materia medica, said: "the ancient bronze mirror, also known as guide, according to the child.Indications: for all the wrong, infantile chronic ulcerated evil."Because of the ancient bronze mirror on the back of the casting have a logo or more, li shizhen also believes that "word" ancient "bronze mirror.Mean, with the mirror of the ancient evil effect is better.

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