The number of fish and fish said what color

The number of fish and fish said what color

Everyone wants messuage peace, source of money widely enter, therefore, the farmed fish, are more peaceful.For example, brocade, goldfish, 7 colour angelfish, tropical fish and so on.This kind of fish can make household air of calm, and a subtle geely prosperity.

Feng shui theory, using fish to rush goods is relatively common, but should pay attention to two points: one is the number of fish, the second is the color of the fish.

1, the number of fish

Generally people are keeping goldfish, because goldfish stronger vitality, more resistant to raise and easy to do.So the number of fish have a certain rule?Generally are shu number to match the number of fish.

U a a can prosperous wealth.

A bad fortune in the u.

Taken the three a bad fortune.

Taken the four can a prosperous wealth.

Taken the five a bad fortune.

Taken the six a good fortune.

Taken the seven a good fortune.

Taken the eight a good fortune.

Can u nine a prosperous wealth.

To end more than ten to remove an integer, such as article 20, by two, article 15 to article 5 theory.

2. The color of the fish

The colors of the fish to a certain extent, to push goods will lead to more or less influence.Therefore, when choosing fish, we need to pay attention to the colors of the fish.

Taken the fish color is aureate or white, is the five elements of gold, gold can be water, so the push force strong.

U fish color is black, blue, or gray, is five lines of water, the water can prosperous wealth, money also is very strong power.

U fish color is cyan or green, it is the five elements belongs to wood, wood will drain, push the power of the weak.

Taken the fish color is yellow or brown, is five lines of soil, the soil can grams of water, its strength is very weak.

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