Put what exquisite stone lions

Put what exquisite stone lions

Since the ancient times, the lions have the laudatory title of "the king of beasts".Folk see lions as ruixiang animals, known as the "benevolent".Fengshui thought, stone lions have blocked evil spirit, such as geomantic effect.

Stone lions can lift a variety of evil spirit, can also strengthen GuanWei or house sun be the spirit of god, in the past, many large house put a pair of at the door.If Windows see of adverse impact, can put a pair of stone lions for Windows can be evil spirit, and the right to life.Also can use stone lions to fortune, as some Banks, factories, large shops will put a pair of big stone lions at the gate of to fortune.Who earn by the mouth of the industry, such as lawyers, performer, etc., can be in the office put a pair of stone lions, small vibration, however, financial.

In feng shui, appliance, besides the stone lions, as well as copper lion.Bronze lions can turn evil spirit block, usually on the face to the location of the gate, where there is road photograph rushs or open the door to see light is available.Copper for metal, can be restrained wood grams, visible in the window on the opposite side of the tree is applicable.Such as house with water, put the copper lion is better, because gold can living water, can prosperous wealth.

But whether it's evil spirit or lucky, and stone lions put should be on the outside of the door, a door or window, and the lion shall be to the outside, the head avoid is inward, so as to avoid the host's health is affected.The decoration of the small stone lions, copper, porcelain, Leo, and even the annatto lion, on windowsill or porch ark table surface, as long as it is head outwards, is also a kind of good luck.

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