The child's bedroom what are taboo

The child's bedroom what are taboo

Children are the hope and the future of parents, their living environment, and its growth is inseparable.From birth to adulthood, most of the time will be spent in the bedroom.With the improvement of living conditions in recent years, the improvement of quality of life, a child has a belong to my bedroom, has become a common phenomenon.

As the saying goes, the habitat, the lucky.Every parents hope their children have "blessing", become a "blessing".But after years of operating experience shows that interior design is often a lot of people are self-defeating.Feng shui theory,The childRoom has the following taboo:

Taken the bed foot is not flush the toilet.

Taken the bed head is not straight, around the door, or we'll sleep not at peace.

Taken the bed cannot be put in the balcony pool under the rockery, lest don't concentrate on reading.

Taken the beds, not in god hall, a god directly, otherwise easy to have nightmares.

U in beams under beds.

If u beds for the window, sunshine is not macro is too strong, the sunshine is too easily upset.

Painted on the head of a bed with no air conditioning, exhaust fan, in turn, or it will cause dizziness earache.

Taken the head of a bed is unreliableThe toiletAfter the toilet before.

Taken the bedroom ceiling should be smooth, with ivory is preferred (dark to fierce);The ceiling and can decorate the wood.

Taken the bedroom floor cannot pave the crimson carpet and long-haired carpet, so as not to suffer from bronchitis.

Taken the bedroom not hang wind chimes, lest neurasthenia.

Taken the bedroom light should be bright;Main color cream powder, bright red, deep black, so as to avoid personality easily cranky.

Taken the bedroom is small, cannot upholster too complicated, make the space looks smaller.

Taken the bedroom floor cannot spread deep red carpet, lest the child move uneasy, irritable.

Taken the bedroom floor cannot spread long-haired carpet, otherwise easy to dye bronchial disease or skin irritation.

U do not paint on the wall pink bedroom, or it will lead to personality irascible.

U should try to arrange bedroom clean and tidy, otherwise easy to form a habit of scattered.

U don't shut and locked up the dolls in the bedroom.

Taken the bedroom ceiling is suspended all sorts of strange decorations, lest frightened in the middle of the night.

Taken the bedroom is not in the machine room edge, balcony, under a weak side of the brain is located in the machine room.

Taken the bedroom is the place that take the door shall have no mirror, door, so many words wrong.

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