The left male left female need to be aware of feng shui bedroom

Almost every to a holiday, look at the surrounding people celebrating the holiday in twos, for single people, is a kind of torture.If,Valentine's dayCan also be understood as wishes for the happiness of the people of a kind of words;theSingles day, was stabbed her singles tao, unbearable heart dark scold: who is so loss, invented this holiday?

A, bedroom is located in the lone star

Feng shui theory is that living in family bearing don't have a good or ill luck, among them, the lone star who the most obvious influence on personal feelings fortunes.

"Lone star", is the "Chen", few nights "of the house of the star, is the foundation on which the infortunes.If hit with this evil spirit, and live in solitary, encountered adverse turbulent, forming double pressure or three deceives a information, it is easy to damage for personal marriage feelings.

Still single friend, quickly check your bedroom, the bed is in the lonely, so lonely star dormant within you the rest of the magnetic field.

Second, by the bedroomThe toilet, kitchen renovation

Sometimes, for some reasons, the toilet or kitchen in decorate converted into the bedroom.Especially in the upstairs downstairs are now under the condition of the kitchen, toilet layout, living among them, it is easy to affect the fortunes of the residents, not only feelings fortunes affected, may also cause health problems.

Three, the bedroom is too damp

Too damp bedroom, not only hindrance to body health, go down for a long time may also affect the mood of habitant, lead to habitant character withdrawn, don't want to too much contact with people.

Four, put inside the bedroom a sting, pointed leaves of plants or fish tank

A sting, leaves of plants in feng shui for SIMS, disadvantage and the moral of people, not easy to put;Aquarium water evaporation can increase the degree of humidity of the bedroom, leading to lack of popularity.So it is important to note.

Five, the bed near behind it

Is behind the bed to rely on is preferred.Without walls, put in bed in the middle of the room, not only easy to insecure, it is difficult to find a reliable, but also on the other.

Six factors, name are not conducive to the peach blossom

Name learning theory is that the name of mathematical five bars, if the pattern of land and other phase grams, will bring love life and marriage not equal to idea;Mathematical is 27, 30, 34, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 50, the main affection more twists and turns, it is not easy to have the right object, fall in love will happen unnecessary disputes.

Seven, personal numerology bad marriage in the feelings of the information

Some inherent in numerology is not conducive to marriage in the emotional information, this requires a combination of personal a birth horoscope, each people have each person situation, just say more here.

The left male left female need to be aware of feng shui bedroom related content

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