Why the Windows facing east for

Why the Windows facing east for

Household geomantic learn that residential construction way to environment, the natural conditions to decide.Residential construction in our country is characterized by the window is larger, the design was very different from western architecture, that is because different designed for the natural environment.

Window is the most important function of daylighting and ventilated, summer heat more moisture in our country, the conditions of open window is an absolute must bigger, western summer high temperature and low humidity, don't need a big window, can achieve the effect of ventilation and lighting, therefore, large Windows became one of the features of construction in our country.

Residential window is the best place is often neglect, but it is exchange between indoor and outdoor air intake, especially modern apartment houses, in addition to the boundary between more outside the window, the other is only in the front and the back, is a major port.

Traditional fengshui thought, on the east side of the residence window is good, for the following reasons:

1. Oriental sun be the spirit of energetic, called "sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi" fengshui, auspicious qi can pass into the east window, make the residence is auspicious.

2. The east is the place where the sun rises, the symbol of the new start.If there is a window on the east side of the residence, the symbol of the growth, development, developed, and so on good luck will be poured into the house.Rose up in the morning every day, and if you see the sun dongsheng, people will feel the breath of a thriving and development, the developed surrounded by this subconsciously, on people's growth has the effect of an environmental power.

3. Residential window is located in the east and west, the daylighting and ventilated effect is the same, but the east to the dawn of a harvested are superior to the west of the sunset and the east in the spring, summer two season of inhaled and wind, autumn, winter is more than the west accepted two seasons wind is much better.

4. The house sits bearing the most ideal, so better to open to the south gate of the residence, unless, otherwise the door should be located in the south, so the Windows open in the east, should be the most appropriate arrangements.

5. Regardless of any houses, sit to southeast wall it is best to open the window, in the early morning light is good, will bring good luck for home owners, and indoor dry not kegare easily.

To sum up, the Windows open to the east is ideal.Of course not all residential window open to the east, is bound to have open in the other direction, but should pay attention to the following:

1. If the opening in the southwest, west oblique sunshine, and a little western, also can.

Northwest of 2. It is best not to open the window, feng shui is the king of dry, if it is necessary to open the window, will be a little bit small and a little higher.If leave the Windows open in the west as a last resort, it is necessary to set up in the window, the roof in order to avoid the sun direct illuminate.

3. The Windows of the west can't open too big, plus the curtain is good, being here is "ghost in the door" said not auspicious.

4. Fengshui thought, on the northeast belongs to feng shui "table" the gates of hell, unfavorable open a window.And because northeaster brings moisture and indoor damp, cold, it is best not to open the window, if here have to open the window, be sure to open a little bit small, and combined with the curtain.

Now, however, a lot of buildings, in addition to the east one can open the window of the east, all other families in the middle, only the two sides have a window, believe in fengshui, the Windows of the south, summer cool wind blowing, available for sunlight in winter, is also very good:

1. You can keep them warm.

2. Participate in the human body of vitamin D synthesis, children often bask can prevent rickets.

3. The sun's uv rays have antiseptic effect, can enhance the body's immune function.

If the window is in the north, the south block, the house will be full of moisture, so it is best to the south set large Windows.

Window to set up the location of the can decide the whole residential ventilation situation, housing in the south is best to open the window, the north to open a small window, the air can be full circulation, regardless of day and night to maintain indoor air fresh.

Open the window to note to the south, the north window can be generated and south convection, can open during the summer, but in winter, the north wind is strong and cold, always shut down.

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