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Home why don't the dwarf first-class

Some people like to live in the forest of high-rise buildings, such as the bustling commercial district, or bustling downtown, like there shopping convenience, adjacent to the convenience of various kinds of public places.In fact, the fengshui thought, this place is not very not suitable for people to live.

China is geomantic learn cultured aura is harmonious or not.The aura of harmony and what factors related?

Geomantic learn classical qing capsule by well said: "in a gas, air conditioned by the shape", the meaning of this sentence is what kind of form, there is what kind of gas.

Or the bustling downtown business district, often tall buildings standing, have contemporary feeling of reinforced concrete.Some people think that the most popular, here is a good environment to live.Little imagine, the aura is not suitable for people living here.For the following reasons:

1. The house opposite avoid there are tall buildings, housing in the face of tall buildings, is very weak, and momentum.Traditional geomantic learn that tall building of angry, angry than small buildings.Live in a small house, weak in anger.

2. Living in residential buildings as well.Modern building such as a community building, basic is the same size, so that balance of benefits is the strength of the angry, angry will not result in a strong to weak oppressive feeling angry.

3. The house in front of the tall building has been angry and angry with a weak place, and there was a shadow of tall building, at the age of any sunshine, the dense, Yin qi is not conducive to people's physical and mental health.

4. If the residential buildings are very high, around their houses in the architectural complex in small, dwarf, such as chicken made a swoop, vision outwards to the surrounding buildings forest cover, make the person has the feeling of the besieged, imposing manner without stretching, development will be severely affected.

5. Tall towers, pointed western-style clock tower, etc., more is not suitable for around the house."A pointed construction will produce evil aura.In the ancient people of the town demon tower, built pointed architecture, and in nearby of the tower is not inhabited.

From the security form degrees, high and pointed the buildings there are many unsafe factors.This building is the most easily by lightning on a rainy day, so are generally equipped with lightning rods.Since with the thunder and lightning, natural will produce radiation of electromagnetic wave, it will damage near harmony aura, resulting in a fierce aura.By the same token, the high voltage towers, broadcast tower, etc will have such concerns.So these pointed tall building can't be live nearby.Stick a house if and have such construction, it is very terrible.

, of course, every coin has two sides, the so-called "fu xi curse of v, affictions are blessed lean on".If such pointed architecture is a certain distance from home, and in the proper position, and will produce good aura reaction.The ancients called "the wenbifeng", or "wenchang tower", will be conducive to academic and research the effect of force.

Although between good and evil has a modest grasp the problem, but the location of the house still had better not choose near the tall buildings or pointed.

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