Feng shui ten taboos in the kitchen

Because the kitchen on behalf of the family money, food and health status of instruments and the many incompatible collection together, so its direction must be considered in detail, can be beneficial to health and development of the family.

Because the kitchen is unfavorable to the south, the south is fire, also is a fire in the kitchen.Fire fire.Is adverse to the home, and south food easy to decay.So the kitchen had better not located in the south.The middle of the kitchen is unfavorable also at home.Because the center of the home most avoid is polluted, and the most suitable position for residence of the east and southeast, east and southeast of the five elements of wood, water, fire and can be peaceful coexistence, particularly suitable for as a good place for kitchen and breakfast.

Here is the kitchen feng shui ten big taboo:

1, the kitchen door cannot is opposite the door."YangZhai thirdly," pointed out: "open the door to see kitchen, money, more consumption."This will allowA womanKey kang beneath a fool and his money are soon parted, and home luck again and again.If you encounter such a pattern, the only way to avoid it is to change the door.

2, the kitchen door cannot is opposite the bedroom door: cooking fume, easy to cause the person that reside which feature, with a sharp temper.

3, the kitchen door cannot is oppositeThe toiletThe door;Kitchen size as a source of enjoyment, najib gas, the toilet for the land of the impurity, on behalf of the fire, and the kitchen toilet on behalf of the water, and incompatible, go can lead to serious, restless.

4, kitchen &bath stuff: some families to save space, make the kitchen &bath share a in and out of the door, fire and water, make household is very unlucky;What's more, advanced to the toilet, and then into the kitchen, appetite, absolutely gone!

5, the ground of the kitchen, not high lobby, room on the ground, this is to prevent sewage backup.The second is due to the differences of primary and secondary, the kitchen not above hall, room;Again, from the kitchen into the hall to serve food, should be a promotion, the opposite has return money.

6, balcony aisle is on fire: promenade pressure fire, no moss, symptoms are predisposed to high blood pressure.

7, the kitchen stove is in freezer, cistern, freezer is also on behalf of the water storage, accumulate of the gender, the most afraid of fire, body were easy to family.

8, hearth under the beams: every often in and out of the and operation are unfavorable compression, hearth as food production platform, even more so.

Do not open the window between 9, smoke lampblack machine and stoves, leakage not auspicious.

10, working in the kitchen behind by: kitchen master home health, marriage and fame, appropriate is to rely on, not vanity, behind must KaoShi wall, so glass walls are not satisfactory.

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