How to decorate prosperous wealth feng shui office

How to decorate prosperous wealth feng shui office

Office of the "money" to the development of the career has the effect of icing on the cake, is everyone a question of common concern.Fengshui is very exquisite effect on money.As a general rule, the money is in the left or right in front of the door diagonal, here must be a little walk, can't be a channel, or finances will keep.

If make money just is a door, will change money for the left, some of the houses because of the relationship between the pattern or design which can't find the money, or just in the orientation of the money is big pillars, is bad feng shui house, it is best to use corridor compartment, make a fortune.

But the money judgment method, just the judgment method of "Ming wealth.In feng shui, for money,

"Ming money" and "dark" money."Dark" money is judged according to the orientation of the door.

In eight curtilage in feng shui, distribution house inside stars - "angry" "day medical" "live" "v", "breaking bad" "curse" "six evil spirit" the "five".D the "angry" and "day" "v" onstar "live"."Live" star location for the money.However, this position is not fixed, a few stars is along with the gate location varies.

Gate house in the east, for example, "live" in the southeast, the location of this house is money.

There is a "permanent" money, is the northeast of the house.In fengshui, the northeast is a "permanent wealth", will not change by different gate location, so, to the northeast to attention of the house.

Here are some money of taboo:

Taken the money cannot be placed on the heats of electrical items.

Taken the money on an heap of goods, or without clear, be full of dust.

Taken the money cannot be put on artificial flower, dry flower.

Taken the money at the top of the ceiling there shall be no leakage, wall or floor paint not fall off, ceramic tile not peeling.

In the office, in addition to money to layout, other prosperous wealth of feng shui is also cannot be ignored, here are some prosperous wealth avoid geomantic appropriate, for your reference.

Taken the common office office buildings, because the cause of the architectural design, tend to form a narrow aisle, and some of the company's door straight to the narrow aisle, and the door opened they saw working position, this is bad, at least have to screen out, too.

U some companies in order to reflect the dragon spirit, tend to put some wings like seals in the office, or the tiger figure, etc., and these are not suitable for the office place, because it would hurt to the boss or employee health.

Taken the placement office plants, generally USES the plant had better be big leaf, broad-leaved, and fine leaf or acicular plants had better with less.In addition, because some plants to raise or convenience, commonly used in cactus kind of long, this is wrong, there will be a dispute.

Taken the common some people behind the desk is not to rely on, this means behind no backer.Some people love to put the desk in the middle of the house, it is also bad, general desk should have a space as far as possible before.

Taken the position of financial personnel is very important, the general will keep gas, in the quiet place.

Taken the general stuff on her desk, had better be right high left low, thick, on the left on the right side of the weak point, this just for wealth

Painted the ceiling or wall office water seepage, leakage or crack, is the symbol of missing goods, should remedy, to smoothly in the office.

Taken the office raised fish feng shui, is generally best in hall place or money.To fish, you must keep good, otherwise, the prosperous wealth will be poorer.

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