How to see the store feng shui

How to see the store feng shui

The workplace struggle for several years, when have a little savings, have you ever want to open a their own boutiques, try small boss?Maybe after several months of looking for, you have identified investment intention, then is the problem of store location.

Has such a story: a investors after making store in nanjing road in Shanghai, in order to decide to choose in the north and the south side of the road or hire with picking beans after the stream of people on both sides of the approach to measure the ultimately determines the location of the store.

Visible, store location for a shop can success how important is the decisive role.So, how to find the right store?Hope this article can polish eyes, for you see store feng shui:

In the bustling commercial circle time business circle select stores

Prosperous business circle there is a strong sentiment, focus on spending a lot of entrepreneurs become the preferred store choice scope.But in the beginning, the prosperous business circle hold tens of thousands of rent and high transfer fee will let your money immediately.In addition, the bustling commercial circle of large shopping place regular discounts, gifts activities will give you a shop people suffered serious impact.Choose the time business circle advantages are obvious, the first save money a lot of stores, can be used to store decoration, hardware upgrade goods organizations such as the store;Second is not burdened with a large shopping center of sales promotion, free to organize their own personality promotion activities;Finally because of the distance from the main business circle is not too far, can share to the main business of consumer sentiment.

Borrow city, with his back leaning against a big tree

Due to the small store opened, in terms of popularity or customers should be a process of accumulation.Not make it through this stage, many entrepreneurs are mostly failed after the opening of a year.If your famous shops in next to the store, so congratulations you, you can share the old storefront accumulated visibility and popularity;If your organization's products and famous stores goods constitute complementary, you shop had ties to the preliminary consumer groups (such as cold drinks and snack complementary, lingerie and beauty salon complementary).

Hold the right hand, success in hand

Shop orientation is also very important.If the store is toward the south or the west, then in the half a year's summer, hot sunshine will help you out a lot of guests (indoor pedestrian street);In the direction of flow, the best in the stream of people come to the right hand side.Because the cause of the traffic rules in China, most of the shopping towards people will walk in their own right;Import direction of many large stores display shelves on the right-hand side of the item is so expensive in left hand side.

In addition, store choice must pay attention to the following: 1. Put an end to second-hand east.As much as possible at the time of rent storefront, find store all of the original contract;Because through the layers of second-hand stores, no matter in or on the cost of contract issues, will have a big hidden trouble;2. Don't covet cheap rents.If the original owner opened a significantly lower than the normal market price of the rent, you also need to be careful, perhaps store property or changes have a debt problem, then there is the possibility of a short-term demolition also want to consider;If above problems after checking all have no, that's your lucky, you find a place to steal the music;3. The rent appear in the store.Appear in the shop refers to the part stores the door to door, forming a channel stores;Such stores tend to be considered by the customer as a channel, and neglected the in-store display of goods;Passing pedestrians, moreover, too much, not only affects the normal customers choose and buy, back to the clerk introduce goods bring larger interference, affect the business performance;Then there is likely to cause the loss of the goods, thereby causing loss to the non-operating (except for quick purchase goods including food, jewelry).

4. Don't do business often discount stores around.If you shop business is the product that has grade, bear in mind that do not often discount stores and neighbors (some casual clothing boutique, women jewelry stores, dollar stores and other similar stores).As the saying goes, a person with group of points, consumption atmosphere, too, once the formation of climate in a discount store location, again good products also inevitably be affected.

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