Dream of a bear

Dream of bear is what mean?Dream dream of bear?Dreamed that bears have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that bear the detailed solution.

Dream of a bear

Bear, though dangerous, clumsy, the dream of the bear, may said recently in you worry too much.

Dream of a bear, and in the keen competition in the pursuit of anything, you will be unstoppable, invincible.

Dream of to kill a bear, which indicated from the previous entanglement.

Young women dream of bears, there will be a very dangerous opponent or other misfortunes.

Dream of a bear came to you that you may have against strong rivals, do things need to be careful.

Dreamed that he was a bear killed that life will be very troublesome thing.

Dreaming that there are bears in the running, indicated that there will be happiness.

Dream of bear walking in the mountain, you may some depressed recently, work always some timid, needs to be of good cheer, boldly forward.

Dream of bears along the road down from the top of the mountain, there may be legal, suggest you life.

Dream of a dogBear up the hill, but to the top of the mountain disappeared, indicated that all the pain will all come to an end.

Dream of white bear standing dance, suggest you will get a promotion at work, salary increases, will have a good relationship with your boss.

Dreamt that there are bearsThe bodyFloating on the river, indicate your neighbors or friends may encounter evil.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

White bear dance, people to help."The duke of zhou interprets"

Bitten by a bear to death, a prime."The duke of zhou interprets"

Bear run, happiness to the Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Black resin floating, friend."The duke of zhou interprets"

See the bear, the main Nemesis."The duke of zhou interprets"

Bear up disappear, bode well."The duke of zhou interprets"

Bear down the mountain, the Lord to subvert dispute."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see a live bear, indicating the guard against infringement.If it is a dead bear, it involves the dream deep negative personality.Dream if see a teddy bear, shows the natural mood you are looking for safety.

Psychological analysis: the power of the bear symbol animal instinct and independent, it can pose a threat to humans, but in people's impression, bear enormous and action mode, both said clumsy and slow, but has the power, in the west dream bears significance and we are a little different, in the west, dream of some bears have the following meaning:

1, the female part of the male psychology.

2, symbol of the mother, the mother of real, or the subconscious can gain wisdom.

3, dreaming that bear is also a symbol of his subconscious.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual point of view, the bear symbol of the spirit of power and strength.

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