Dream of the birds glabrous

I dream of hairless bird is what mean?Dream dream of hairless bird?Dreamed of hairless birds with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of hairless bird's detailed solution.

Dream of the birds glabrous

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of the birds glabrous

Dream of a bird no hair won't call again, said you might be squeezed by the rich, but in order to survive, you also is helpless, can only submit to humiliation., or are you at work are often spread to do things you don't want to do, and you can't resist, only heart unwilling mood don't want to do.

Dream of hairless bird, if you dream of a bird, no hair does not call, this dream can't say is a good omen, also is not big, just a little will happen some compromise will have to do.Its signal is in the near future you may be limited by local tyrants squeezing of the rich.But in order to survive, you can only submit to humiliation, this also is helpless.In addition, this dream or indicated recently when it comes to work, you will receive you don't want to do the task, even want to resist, but in order to keep their jobs, or have to accept, heart unwilling situation than to do things.

Dream of MAO's small almost drowned in the bird's nest, you will get lost property.(The duke of zhou interprets's official website

Dreaming about the catch a bird without MAO, in that when you need to borrow money will encounter "miser" borrow less than money also you.

With bald the dream of a bird, the symbol of dependence and the paradox of freedom, or others of your views and requirements, but it's not your favorite.

Dream of hairless bird, indicated that the family is very harmonious, life will be very well.

Men dreamed of hairless bird, bespeak his bad luck recently, a lot of things are not smooth, bad lucks will last for some time, to take note.

A womanDream of hairless birds, which indicated his poor health, should pay more attention to health food, if there are any abnormal, timely medical treatment.

Traders dream of hairless bird, bespeak themselves in business is very bad recently, competition is very strong, will lose their business.

The people dreamed of glabrous, portend an ailing, foibles, constantly to keep a good state of mind.

Patient dreamed of hairless bird that his recent illness could worsen, it is suggested to pay more attention to the mood, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

Students dreamed of hairless bird that his recent compare lazy in learning aspect, resulting in significantly lower grades

Dream of the bird's case analysis glabrous

No MAO dream description: yesterday dream bird from the window to my desk and then jump to me.Eat the meal I take long out of the white balance.What this means?

Dream parsing: you can see Freud's"Interpretation of dreams"This book.There is a saying, that is, the dream is subconscious desire or something.In other words, you want to have a little bird fly to your side, at the same time, the bird will together with youHave a mealAnd I hope it become more white.On lack of comfort heart, maybe you need a person, friend, lover or other...

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