Dream of the lion lion

Dream of the lion lion is what mean?Dream dream of the lion lion, ok?Dream of the lion lion has reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the lion lion detailed solution.

Dream of the lion lion

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of the lion lion

Dream of lions shows the dreamer "self" in the strong side.

The lion's pride and power, also can let a person remember father's dignity, and other admirable qualities.

Dreamed that he met a lion, and remind you should pay attention to body health, may be sick, or the enemy is very powerful.

Dream of fought with lions, indicated that your business will be faced with challenges and opportunities, there will be a big development.

Dreaming that I was bitten by a lion, you can overcome the difficulties, or although faced with a powerful enemy, but not defeated.

Dream of the lion catch killing animals, may indicate recent life make you think of the father's autocracy, or of obedience to partner on sex.

Dream of the lion eat people, suggested that one aspect of your character is insufficient, also said that you or other person may be in danger, you should be careful.

Dream of the lion pounced on his good friend, indicated that there may be some kind of enduring conflict to start, you may face a bad day.

Dream of the lion majestically roar loud, indicate your enemy is the identity and status.(from)

A womanDream of the lion roar loud, said you are smart, can host his possessions, and even control into practice.

The lion sat quietly in the dream, indicate your enemy, though strong, but take care of your status, not easily attack, but at first, will be fatal.

Dream of lion hunting or tame lions, you will win the enemy.

In the dream to see the circus in the lion, indicate the strong willing to compromise with you.

Dreaming that I am riding on a lion, indicate your fame and fortune.

Dream of lions and lambs lie down together, said antagonistic contradictions will have the opportunity to get adjusted.

Dream of wild lions attack elephant, or other large animals, said they would run into trouble between adversaries.May have some claim to you is strong, easy to dispute with others, and the best try to restrain themselves, along with people.

Women dream of the lion, if not yetTo get marriedThat will marry a powerful, strong man;If you have already get married, indicated that will have a strong boy.

Psychology dream dreamed that lion lion

Dream explanation: the lion symbolizes the brutal and strong in my dream.

Psychological analysis: a lion in the dream usually glory and dignity, strength, and courage together, this is just what you success must have content.

Spiritual symbol: the lion on the spiritual symbol of the dream must restrained passion of life.

Dream of dream of the lion lion case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Dream description: I am not that dream dreamed a lion, but a lion.A male lion and a female lion, there are two little lions, they a a lot of fun on the grass.I think they live very happy.(male, 35 years old)

Dreams resolution: magnificent lion, is the symbol of social reputation and status in society.Men dreamed of jovian lion, it shows that you have been trying to, want to realize their social value.A woman will marry a dream of the lion, decisive and healthy male.If you hear the lion's roar, means that you must overcome your side someone's jealousy.

"Dream case 2"

The dream description: there was a young woman, for two consecutive day dream of the lion.The first day, she dreamed of and a few friends at the railway small bungalow was besieged by a group of lions, hiding here and there.The next day, she dreamed of was mobbed by group of lions, villa on the boyfriend home, but some of them very bravely fought with lions, and the last to break.Soon she met robbed on the way and luckily she tactfully delay time, eventually rescued.

Dream parsing a lion symbol threatening the dreamer.In addition, the lion's dream also may not be enough confidence.Dreamed of was besieged by the lion, usually meet with difficulties, problems, or conflict.Hide everywhere, escape from a problem, the reality and pressure.Was mobbed by group of lions in the villa, the heroic fighting, said the dreamer confront challenges under great pressure, with confidence, to break out of it, solved the difficult.

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