Dream of the horns

Dream of horn is what mean?Dream dream of ox horn?Dream of horn with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dreamed of the horns of the detailed solution.

Dream of the horns

Dream of cattleThere is blood on Angle, said can get high status.

Dream of Smith of contradiction, said to eat more bitter, even if the patient do this dream, is the death is near.

Dream of horn was broken, was unlucky presage a recent your feelings, feelings between lovers will be affected by setbacks, is writing on the wall.

Singles dream of horn was broken, portends a recent your emotional life is not smooth, career is not beautiful, may occur and lovers quarrel, is writing on the wall.

Married people dream of horn was broken, portends a recent your family life is not smooth, quarrel happens, if not timely solve, is likely to lead to fall, is the writing on the wall.

Traders dream of horn was broken, presage a recent your finances will be lower, economically kui, is writing on the wall.

Patients dream of horn was broken, indicate the condition of the recent you will deteriorate, probably because early not to cooperate with the doctor treatment.

Dream of horn, portends a recent you will feel the pressure from family elders, they are discussing when you love, often make you breath, let you lose their freedom, suggest you had better take the attitude of patience, don't and elder by opposing attitude, bear the pressure, you will be more free, easy and comfortable life.

Dream of Smith of contradiction, portends a recent poor signal, you may want to eat some hardships in life, is the writing on the wall.

Businessmen who dream of Smith of contradiction, portends a recent your money, if up top, portends a recent your money is very good, very big money;If the top down, indicate your recent bad fortune, will crash.

Patients dream of Smith of contradiction, bespeak your recent condition worsen, is ominous, suggest you and your family to prepare.

Dream of horn in his head, and indicate your friend luck good recently, will the people who need your help around from time to time, the popularity is very good, in this let you in a friend to you in the future there is a big help to the development of the career.

Dream of head with horns, which indicated your recent ACTS as a handy, suggest you try the old problem of confused for a long time out, often inspiration to use very simple solution is solved.

Dream of head have buffalo horn or yak horn, indicate your family's health may appear problem, remind you to care about your family's health.

Dream of head have cattle horn, suggest you will grow up and become mature.

Dream of play horn, portends a recent bad luck, you will have strong competitors, suggest you to prepare, to make preventive measures.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of horn touch people, sorrow officer."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of horn to people, but all have to."Dunhuang dream book"

Ox horn with blood, Lord thereof."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

"Horn" is the strongest organs of animals, horn presage a strong, that you met a lot of difficulties in time will be very strong stand in the past, will overcome all difficulties, career and emotional will usher in a new turning point, life will be very happy, in approaching to cherish, cherish the love.

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