Dream of antlers

Dream of antlers what meaning be?Dream dream of antlers, ok?Dream of antlers with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of antlers detailed solution.

Dream of antlers

Dream of antlers, often hint yourself in a good environment, fame and fortune, suggest you are promising.

Dream of antlers in the home, the position of said you'll get a promotion soon, is really good news.

Dream of antlers, said you make friends very caution, friends even though not much, but most are faithful friend, heavy credibility.The meaning of the dream also have a happy family harmony.

Dream of antlers lost, indicated that he would suffer hardship.

Dream of many antlers, predict their quiet and peaceful life, auspicious happiness.

A man dreamed of antlers, ambitious, work innovation and enterprising, excellent scores.

A womanDream of antlers, shows that he is a gentle, caring person, there will be a healthy and lovely baby.

Prisoners dream of antlers, will soon be free.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: a deer is a majestic animal.Serve to show off, like a crown, it symbolizes the weapons, into can invasion, return can defend.

Psychology analysis: from the psychological point of view, to realize their own dream of antlers said both high and low potential conflicts.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, dream of antlers marks the supernatural powers, says fertility and noble spirit.

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